Mushroom Mycosis

What is Mushroom Mycosis?

This disease is a real blastomatous process. But there are three leading points of view on the nature of mushroom mycosis. According to the first, the disease is an inflammatory process from beginning to end; according to the second point of view, the process in the early stages is inflammatory in nature, and at the end of the disease transforms into a neoplasm. The third point of view states that fungal mycosis is a malignant process from the very beginning. The disease affects both sexes, but men get sick more often and mainly at the age of 40-60.

Pathogenesis during Mushroom Mycosis

More often than other forms, the Aliber-Bazin form is observed, which has three stages:

  • erythematous;
  • plaque (infiltrative);
  • tumor.

The erythematous stage is often polymorphic and resembles many dermatoses, such as: parapsoriasis, pruritus, lichen planus, herpetiform dermatosis, etc. Rashes are localized on the trunk, extensor surfaces of the limbs, can merge with each other, capturing large areas of the skin. Rashes can be preceded by severe itching. The rash has the appearance of yellowish-pink or cyanotic-crimson spots with a slight grayish peeling. Gradually, over the course of several months or several years, the disease passes into the plaque (infiltrative) stage. At this stage, the spots infiltrate and condense, they grow on the periphery, the itching becomes more painful. In addition, the spots become like orange peels due to the rich brick red, purple color. When plaques undergo a reverse development, in their place various figures are formed in the form of garlands, arcs, rings. Sometimes these first two stages are called the premicotic period, or premicosis.

The stage of tumors – the third, last stage – is the most characteristic. At this stage, the elements become the size of an orange or more and acquire a reddish-cyanotic or reddish-yellow color. Such tumors can simultaneously coexist with plaque-stage infiltrates.

With mushroom mycosis, lymph nodes increase, and in all three stages. Usually, inguinal and femoral lymph nodes are involved in the process first. There are two more rare forms of the disease. This is the Vidal-Brock form, in which the first stages are absent and tumors appear on apparently healthy skin. The form of Gallopo-Benier is characterized by the development of universal exfoliative erythroderma.

Symptoms of Mushroom Mycosis

Clinically, this is manifested by the fact that coarse plate flakes appear on the infiltrated, hyperemic skin. Therefore, this form is also called erythrodermic. In the case of a fatal outcome, in the internal organs of patients with a pathological examination, nodes with the same histological changes are found as in the skin.

Mushroom Mycosis Treatment

In most cases, an adequate, well-chosen treatment provides a long-term remission. But in the presence of concomitant diseases or complications, as well as in the tumor stage, the prognosis worsens.

With favorable forms of fungal mycosis, as well as in the initial stages, conservative restorative treatment is prescribed. Vitamins of group B, vitamin C are shown, and externally – steroid ointments. Conducted and spa treatment.

In the third stage, therapy should be combined. These are cytostatics (prospidin, dipin, phosphazine, cyclophosphamide), antitumor antibiotics (chrysomalin, brunneomycin, olivomycin). It is advisable to combine cytostatics with corticosteroids. With this combination, the effect occurs faster with a lower dose of drugs, which reduces complications and side effects. In the tumor stage, radiotherapy is prescribed. Topically, corticosteroid ointments and antipruritic agents are used.