
What is Vesiculopustosis?

Vesiculopustosis is a type of staphyloderma that develops in infants.

Vesiculopustosis – purulent inflammatory skin diseases caused by a variety of pathogens (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, Escherichia coli, Vulgar proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.).

Causes of Vesiculopustosis

This disease is common among firstborn infants. It is expressed in the appearance of multiple pustules of various sizes (purulent vesicles) filled with whitish-yellow contents, with a bright red edging and edema. Etiological factors are different strains of staphylococci.

Pathogenesis during Vesiculopustosis

An important role in the mechanisms of occurrence of this disease is played by prematurity, low birth weight, increased sweating, and artificial feeding.

Symptoms of Vesiculopustosis

Initially, pustules form in the mouths of the sweat glands, which are usually located in the axillary and inguinal folds, on the scalp and on the body. Pustules have a tendency to merge, can be located on large areas of the skin and form deep lesions. This course occurs in weakened children.

Diagnosis of Vesiculopustosis

The diagnosis is made without any difficulty. Vesiculopusculosis is differentiated from scabies, complicated by pyoderma.

Treatment of Vesiculopustosis

Bathing is prohibited for the entire period of treatment. The treatment is performed with weak disinfectant solutions of unaffected skin areas. Pustules are lubricated with aqueous and alcoholic solutions of aniline dyes.

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