What should you eat to have beautiful hair?

In order to have luxurious, obedient hair, it is important not only to use clever and cosmetic means competently, but also to monitor your nutrition. It’s no secret that the condition of the hair directly depends on the daily care of them and because of what we eat. What should be present on the table for everyone who dreams of having healthy hair, and what should I refuse?

To begin with, consider the products, the use of which most favorably affects the condition of the hair.

People who are dissatisfied with the state of their hair are many, but the reasons for their dissatisfaction are different. Some complain about dandruff, others on increased fat content of hair, the third – on loss of hair. Most of the problems with hair are caused by a lack of vitamins.

Because of the lack of vitamins, hair looks dull, becomes greasy, brittle, lifeless.

One of the most important vitamins for hair beauty is vitamin A. This vitamin is able to improve the condition of hair, namely, to prevent their fragility. Vitamin A is found in apricots, carrots, butter, cheese and many other products.

No less important are other vitamins and minerals, especially B vitamins.

If you eat a diet that excludes consumption of fat for a long time, you, therefore, deprive your body of such an important element as sulfur. Lack of sulfur leads to brittleness and hair loss.

For healthy hair, a full consumption of protein foods (meat, eggs, nuts, etc.) is necessary.

Owners of dry hair often complain that the hair falls out, do not have a shine, it’s hard to lay down.

To improve the condition of dry hair, try eating oatmeal, whole-grain bread, liver, peas, take a multivitamin complex. Protect hair from direct sunlight.

What is it worth to refuse?

Your hair will not be offended if you do not eat smoked food, fatty foods, fizzy drinks.

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